Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Time Out

Ok here we go!

This is the first time I have done this so things might be rocky at the start but hopefully I will be able to learn quickly/ Any tips are welcomed!

I wanted to have somewhere that I could write up my days expierence and figured this was the best and quickest way. If you find I boar you well then stop reading. If you find yourself interested then woo hoo for you! Know that I will write a LOT about my boys, rmember fair warning. I want to be able to look back through my year and see what I did and how my boys grew through it. I am going to try to update daily, but that might be a little much even for me (IF you know me you know I like to talk so.....) so I will instead try to stick to at least once a week!

I am excited to share my daily life with the world!


  1. I love that you decided to do this! I started a blog two years ago just so I would not forget all of the lovely little moments with my kids. I am SO glad I did and only regret that I didn't start earlier. Going back and reading it is one of my favorite things...not because I'm vain, but because I would have forgotten these great moments for sure without the blog. Can't wait to read fun things about your family! Here is a link to my blog, too

  2. Thanks Andrea. Actually I was looking at yours when I realized that it was a good idea to start my own for the "remembering" of the day to day life! So I should be thanking you!!! As long as I keep up I will love it!
