Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pajama Day

So I tried this new thing.....staying in pajamas all day long. The image I had of tha day in my head was not quite the image that was!

I envisioned staying in my pajamas and hanging on the couch maybe playing a little in each of the boys rooms. A relaxing naptime where both of my boys napped I had, at the most, 2 glorious hours to myself. A take-out dinner and an early bedtime! Sounds like I could die and go to heaven!

Well the actuallity of the day was very very different. Woke up and started the day in a relaxing way.Boys woke up played on the couch with cartoons for a bit and I got to facebook and blog in somewhat peace. Then the boys moved to legos while I finished blogging. They played so nice together it was a joy to be able to sit and watch them!! Once Kent got up the day went differently. (Not because he got up but probably more of then time of the day :)  !!) So we came up on lunchtime and both boys were hungry so I made turkey sandwiches and they were happy. I snacked on some chips and dip and Kent was good for the time. So not bad as far as making lunches go! Pretty easy. Then as 1 o'clock neared Brady was getting tired and cranky. So by 1:30 I could take his whinyness no more so off to bed I went to read books and put him down. He fell asleep quickly! Phew the start to my relaxing naptime. At 3, aftre I picked up the kitchen from lunch, Kent says go get some lunch. Well I wasn't that hungry as I snacked on too many chips but he was, so I said you go get it! But ahhhh the Florida Gators were on TV and he was engrossed in that. So I said ok....what do you want, he tells me Qdoba. I said ummmm no! How about something that I an run and drive Carl's Jr. was on the menu. So off I headed. And this time in the car is probably the most relaxing part of my day. I have no one to answer to and I can listen to whatever I want in the car! I love driving by myself!!!!!!! As I am sitting in the drive thru line waiting for my food, my mind is thinking of all of the things that are needing to get done.....and one glaring one pops into my mind.....Ahhh Brady is out of diapers and will need one as soon as he gets up! Yikes! So I race home wolf down my food then leave my boys again! Off to I debated on actually getting dressed but I thought eh who cares! So off I went in my pajamas! The funniest moment of the day happened at I am pulling into the parking lot it is somewhat busy, as far as safeway goes, and there is an older gentleman pushing his cart back to the building after unloading his groceries into his car. So I politely wait for him to cross the street - well he makes it about 3 steps then heaves his cart to the building!! It was the funniest thing to see - and as he walked away I could tell he enjoyed doing just that!!

Back home again putting groceries away....while I was at the store I thought ohhh let's male sugar cut out cookies! The boys will have so much fun with that! Well as it was nearing 5 pm I decided to get the already made dough then we could just cut out the shapes! The boys had fun picking out their cookie cutters and we just about made one of every shape you can think of. As I was cutting out and baking cookies the boys really had a hankering for playing in the flour - at first I was like oh no!!! That is soooo not going to happen - I'll have flour everywhere!!! But as I thought about it more I decided to let them do it, what's a little cleaning when the activity brings such joy to my boys! So they sat on the counter and I dumped some flour in the middle and the playing began! The best part was them putting their hands in it and then clapping! Oh the smiles that brought out!! What a mess and what fun! Then I told them ok now you have to clean up so I pulled chairs over to the sink, filled one side with bubbles and turned on the faucet, then turned them loose on the cookie cutters and themselves!! Oh the mess!! Oh the fun!! Flour everywhere, including them, and then it was covered in water! They played in the sink I finished baking and cleaned the counter and flour. Changed them while the cookies cooled and then we were on our way to decorating!

BEST part of the day! The boys had soo much fun decorating and eating cookies!! There was frosting and sprinkles everywhere!!! Dylan took a bite of each cookie he made and Brady licked frosting from everyone he made! Brady had frosting everywhere and kept asking for more cookies! It was fun and messy! Finally we finished that and I sent the boys away so I could clean up the next mess of the day. I fed them some soup and thought ahhh now they can play with Daddy and I can sit for 5 minutes. Nope not the case at all!! The boys rooms were a mess!! And impossible to play in! So Kent was on the phone and the boys wanted to play NOW so I rushed into their rooms and started a clean up game, Both boys wanted to help but not in a good way! Everything I picked up was wanting to be played I went quickly and picked everything up! After I finished both rooms the boys no longer wanted to play and it was getting late. So I sat with Brady on the couch for a relasing wiggles show, then went to put him to bed. Some books and singing later and he was asleep! By the time I made it back to the living room Dylan had fallen asleep on the couch, so I put him to bed. Went back to the couch ready for a little me time! Kent was watching some Sport Center and it quickly out me to sleep, at 10:30! Next time I woke up it was 3:30 and Kent and I were asleep on the couch! I dragged us to bed and slept away!

The day lacked the me time I thought it was going to have but made uo for it with the fun time I had with the boys! I have also decided that with a 4 year old and a 2 year old it is impossible to have "relaxing" day. So my plans for today do not include relaxing!! Ha ha!! I have also realized that it is extremely hard for me to relax....I am person that needs to be busy! So busy I be! Ha! One day when I am old and my boys are grown I will look back fondly at these memories of being busy!

1 comment:

  1. You took the words right out of my mouth! I have to be busy and I really enjoy being had a GREAT day with your kiddos!! I am SO happy for you and those memories! Dillon is getting to the age you NEVER know what fun things he will remember! heck, Blake already remembers things from last year that blow my mind! I want them to look back on their childhood as fun, memorable and meaningful and I know you want just the same! Way to go friend!!! What a GREAT day!
