That is all!
OK not really but WOW! The last 2 days have been crazy!! It has been awhile since I blogged but since one kids is at Gramie's house and the other is comfortably napping on the couch I shall type!
Brady woke up yesterday OK. But by 10 am our lives turned, around and upside down! I found a mass on his neck and it hurt him to move his head! Ummmm yikes! So I ran to the phone and quickly dialed up the doctor! They didn't sound overly concerned on the phone so calm I stayed although on the inside I was FREAKING out. We had an appointment at 3:30 and tried to pass the time quickly. Brady is 2 years old and for those of us with 2 year olds or have had them they are not easily sidelined! I thought it would be very difficult to make him stay still......but his little brain figured it out that if he stayed still and laid on the couch his neck would not hurt! Glorious day!! So glad he understood that staying still was the best option. Now he is 2 so he would often forget and move a little one way or the other and it would cause a great scream to come out of him. But as soon as he settled back down he was good.
The doctor of course had nothing useful to say! He told me it was a swollen lymph node, which meant nothing to this momma. He said it occurs when a child is sick.....well he has had some sniffles lately but not sick. So confused I was! Then he says he needs some blood drawn........the color drained from my face but my voice did not waiver, I said OK. 2 nurses came in and had their pain inducing instruments. Brady had just gone through the doctor poking and prodding at him and screamed when he looked in his I just knew this would no go good. They had me lay him on the exam table and then I got the joy of laying on top of him to keep his legs down and still as well as his middle section and I held onto his arm and chest. I was thinking grab on tight cause he will squirm and let's do this already!
First attempt was the right arm. Well that lasted about 5 minutes then they decided that nope it wasn't going to work. So out goes one nurse to get new pain instruments and I flip him around so they can attack his left arm. Brady is thinking phew I am done and then I climb back on top of him and pin him down! Oh the misery, both on his face and mine! It took every ounce of my strength not to cry and scream along with him. These people were hurting my baby and my baby was hurting and I had no other choice in how I fixed it! It was a long and terrible 15 minutes! They were able to get 4 vials of blood from him and he yelled his way through it all. You would think his biggest complaint was that they were poking him with a needle.....but it wasn't. He kept yelling "She's holding my arm! I can't move my arm!" Dang it was so cute I giggled. In the midst of all the pain and anguish I giggled. The a tear escaped and I sucked it all back in giggles and tears!
Doctor says we should know by 9am tomorrow give us a call. So 8:59 I was dialing. Receptionist gives my info to the nurse says she will call us back! 10:15 rolls around and I have heard nothing. So I call back. They will call me back. My son is still hurting and I can't do anything except make him take Tylenol I need answers people!!! Finally at 11:00 I call again, just to switch my reach me at number cause we had left the house. About 15 minutes later the nurse finally calls. Phew!!! My heart is beating a mile a minute!!!! What oh what can it be! What is wrong with my boy? She says she called the lab since she hadn't heard back and 4 of the 5 tests were back and deemed normal so those weren't causing this swelling. YES!!! Mental self high five! But wait what is causing it then?!? Then she proceeds to tell me that they didn't have enough blood for the 5th and MOST important test!! WHAT!!!! My heart dropped to my knees!! I knew it would mean I would have to take him in and have more blood drawn! Ahhhhhh!!!!! I didn't think I could take it, but darn it I wanted to know why my baby had this going on!
So I look up LabCorp on my phone and find a number for them........and find out that they are politely closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30! Oh crap and it is 12 and I am in downtown denver! So more waiting! We get to the office at 1:29! And as soon as we enter the building (you know a doctors office multiple floors, elevator, lots of rooms, etc) Brady starts screaming!! "No more Doctors! No more pokeys! Take Dylan to doctor!!" (Funny thing Dylan wasn't even with us! But he was more than willing to throw Dylan under the bus to save his arms from pokeys!!!) We get into the elevator and he wants to push the button, yes, good sign! Nope more yelling as we walk into the office. I sign us in and shortly after they call us back. Yea, you guessed it, as soon as I take him off the waiting room chair he yells. Much to the amusement of the 6 other people waiting in there to get their pokeys! We sit down in the chair and they take yesterdays "stickers" (band aids) off and he DID NOT like that. "My stickers! Don't take my stickers!" Silly things that little ones get attached too. I tell him don't worry they will give you new ones :) Ha ha ha! He is appeased by learning this but still know what is coming. I say quickly before they start that they had better luck with the left arm the day before. Cause lord knows I don't need them poking at both his arms again! So they take a look and say the right looks best, I am crossing my fingers that they are right! So no laying on him this time. We sit in a chair and I put his legs in between mine and squeeze them in so he doesn't kick anyone! Before he can even scream a little they already have the needle in! Thank god. And his blood was flowing generously today because Brady barely got some yelling out before they had there 2 vials and were telling him that they were all done! Phew quick and pain-less-ful. He quickly asks for his sticker before they could reach for it and we are good to go! I expressed great loads of gratitude to the nurses and thanked them for being quick and loving to my son!
So we come home, eat some Mcdonalds, and wait.......and wait...................and wait..................and wait even a little more. Finally today at 4:45 I call, cause I know they are closing very soon, and say hey I need some results please! They say we will call you back! UGH!!!!! At 5:08 as I am typing this up the doctor calls......yes you heard me right the doctor not the nurse. Yikes when the actual doctor calls it is never good. And in this case it wasn't really good and it wasn't the worst either. This last test that they ran today tested his white blood cell count. He was looking for an elevated count.......don't ask I don't know why.......and he said that Brady's count was higher but not overly so. SO he is thinking, with the count levels as they were, that Brady may have Mono......which is a virus......and all of us mommies with young uns' know what that word means.....there is nothing you can do for a virus just let it run its course. But instead of leaving me with that and with the tests not really matching up with his ideas he asked me to come in again tomorrow so he can re check Brady.
To Be Continued tomorrow.........................................................................................................................
I can NOT imagine this past 48 hours! I would have been a mess...(well you know that read my response to your first fb update LOL)...anyway, LOVE that he wanted D to be poked instead! Smart kiddo! Keep us posted! Love ya!